Job Titles allows you to assign specific titles to your users based on the site they will be under. So a user can have more than one Job Title in the system and the Job Title will be specifically based on the site.
To access and create Job Titles, simply navigate to the Section called “Users” and select the subsection called “Job Titles”
First, you will notice there is already a job title named “Participants”. This is set as default for each user who is assigned to a site before the Job Titles feature was introduced.
You can then navigate to New Job Title and create a name for the new Job Title.
There are 2 ways to assign a new Job Title to a user. The first way is directly from the user's profile. Simply go to User Lists, click on the user you want to add a Job Title for, and then navigate to Access. From there you can assign a Job Title from the dropdown along with the Site/Location that the user’s Job Title will be associated with.
The second way to add a Job Title for a user is from the Location/Site list itself. Simply navigate to The Location/Site list, click on the Location/Site list you’d like to add the user to, then navigate to Access and select the user or User group from the drop-down along with the Job Title.
Once you create a corrective action, you will see the Job Title under the participants based on the location/site of the audit you are working on. This will help determine who is appropriate to complete the corrective action for the performed audit.