To perform an audit within monitorQA, you can do so from the mobile app and from the web app on the desktop. If you decide to perform an audit on the desktop, all you will need to do is log in to your monitorQA account within your web browser and navigate to ‘Audits’ at the left of the screen.
From there, you will be presented with all your past due, upcoming, and ready to start audits in the ‘My Audits’ tab. To initiate the audit, you will need to either select “CREATE” at the top of the screen or select “START” from one of the scheduled audits listed.
After you’ve selected ‘START’, you’re now ready to begin your audit process. You will be presented first with your different ‘Sections’ for the audit.
Once the section is selected, now you’re presented with the audit items. This is where the inspection begins and you can answer the items.
You can upload photos via attachments, add notes, add flags, and also create corrective actions all from the web app.
When the final stage is completed and you have added a signature if required, then all you will need to do is click ‘FINISH AUDIT’ at the top right of the screen, and your audit is now completed.