If you're someone who has been tasked with performing an audit for your organization, then start by opening up the monitorQA mobile app. Log in using your credentials, and the first thing that you will see is the list of audits you can perform.
You’ll first see the tab “My” for only the audits assigned to you. You will also have access to “All” for all the audits you have access to that also may not be assigned to you.
We have a couple of audits scheduled in the list on the screen. You can use the search field to narrow down the list in case there are a lot of audits listed.
Additionally, you can find the filter option in the top right corner, which allows you to filter the list based on different parameters to easily find what you need.
Tap on ‘Details’ of one of the audits from the list to see some basic information about the audit.
As you can see in the screenshots above, you can see the Object(site) the audit belongs to, the Audit Template, and Due Date. To start, click on the Download option at the bottom. Downloading the audit will allow you to perform the audit offline, without internet connectivity.
As soon as the audit is downloaded to your device, you're ready to kick it off. Simply click on START at the bottom of the screen.
First, you will see the names of sections, which may contain either sub-sections or specific questions.
Click on OPEN next to any section to open it and see sub-sections and questions inside. Below is an example of a couple of questions listed in one of our sections.
As you can see, you can choose to either Pass or Fail any question listed. You can also click the 3 dots on the item to select “Not Applicable” if it doesn’t apply. Furthermore, you can select ‘History’ to check the past performance of that question.
Clicking the respective icons at the bottom left corner of each question allows you to add a note or multiple photos. Note in the screenshot below how the system allows you to highlight and annotate certain areas on the photos as you attach them along with your answers.
Select ‘ADD DETAILS’ to add a ‘Corrective Action’ and add a ‘Flag’ to the item.
The ADD DETAILS option also allows you to add media. This not only includes photos but as well as videos and adding photos from the gallery of your phone.
To take a video, simply select the ‘Video’ option from the selection. You will be presented directly to the video recording screen.
After you are done taking the video, the video will begin uploading. You will first see indicators that the video is processing. There will be a spin icon in the upload indicator at the top right and the video thumbnail will have a blue play button.
After the video has been fully processed and uploaded, the thumbnail of the video will appear with the video’s content along with the upload indicator check that indicates it’s been uploaded. After the process, you can now tap on the video and play it back.
When done with one question, repeat this process for each of the items in the list to complete the entire section.
Let's go back to the list of sections and see the screenshot when some sections have been marked as failed.
The percentage score for passing or failing is determined by the administrator when they apply a Scoring System to an audit template. The default setting for passing is 70%; however, administrators can create multiple scoring systems. Each audit can have its own scoring system applied to it.
To complete the entire audit, navigate to other sections and complete the items inside. Note that you do not have to complete the entire audit at once. If you exit and come back later, you’ll be able to continue your audit.
Notice the “Continue Audit” button at the bottom of the screen. To continue a previously started audit, tap on it and complete the remaining sections and items. Once the entire audit is complete, you’ll notice that the “FINISH AUDIT” button at the bottom of the screen with the list of sections becomes enabled.
To finish your audit, tap on the “FINISH AUDIT” button and you’re done. If the button still appears disabled, make sure you have completed all the items in all sections as required. Finally, to successfully finish the result, make sure that your internet connection is enabled.